„Cabruca“ in Bahia, Brazil

„Cabruca“ Tour with Osvaldo (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)

„Cabruca“ refers to the practice of growing young cocoa plants under the protection of large trees in the shade of the natural tree canopy, rather than in open plantations. In Bahia, it is the Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlântica) that provides the framework for the „Cabruca“ method.

"Cabruca" - im Vordergrund sind Kakaobäume (Theobroma cacao) zu sehen (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – in the foreground, cocoa trees (Theobroma cacao) can be seen (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)

„Cabruca“ is sustainable agriculture because it preserves natural habitat, reduces deforestation, and contributes to the preservation of the original ecosystem.

"Cabruca" - junge Kakaofrüchte an einem Kakaobaum (Theobroma cacao) (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)

„Cabruca“ – young cocoa fruits on a cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)

The history of cocoa cultivation in Bahia dates back to the 18th century. Cocoa cultivation was introduced by Portuguese settlers who colonized the region. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) has been and continues to be an important crop, as it thrives excellently in Bahia’s favorable climate and soil conditions, providing livelihoods for many people.

"Cabruca" - im Vordergrund ist ein Kakaobaum (Theobroma cacao) zu sehen (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – in the foreground, a cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) can be seen (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)

Until the 1980s, cocoa cultivation in Bahia was predominantly carried out in open plantation systems. The outbreak of diseases, particularly the Witch’s Broom disease caused by the fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa, resulted in significant crop losses and setbacks for the cocoa industry in Bahia.

This is also a reason why the Cabruca method, which focuses on ecological and sustainable cocoa cultivation in Bahia, is gaining importance.

The Cocoa Coast of Bahia stretches along the Atlantic coast of the state of Bahia in Brazil. This region encompasses numerous cities, villages, and cocoa farms, with Ilhéus playing a central role in the history and economy of the Cocoa Coast. (Source: AR 02/2024)

"Cabruca" - Mr. „X“, 93 Jahre alt, Bewohner des Atlantischen Regenwaldes (Mata Atlantica), zeigt mir mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht was wichtig ist in seinem Leben: Kakao, sein Hausschwein und seine Rinder. Regelmäßig geht er zum fischen in die Lagune Encantada (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – Mr. „X“, 93 years old, resident of the Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlantica), shows me with a smile on his face what is important in his life: cocoa, his pet pig, and his cattle. Regularly, he goes fishing in the Enchanted Lagoon (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)
"Cabruca" - Kakaofrüchte an einem Kakaobaum (Theobroma cacao) (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – Kakaofrüchte an einem Kakaobaum (Theobroma cacao) (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
Das ist Diavora, 51 Jahre alt, Bewohnerin des Atlantischen Regenwaldes (Mata Atlantica) und stolze Besitzerin einer eigenen Kakaofarm. Während meines Besuchs bei ihr in der Cabruca redete sie ununterbrochen und lachte immer wieder laut. - Ich habe kein Wort verstanden (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
That’s Diavora, 51 years old, resident of the Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlantica) and proud owner of her own cocoa farm. During my visit to her in the Cabruca, she talked incessantly and laughed out loud repeatedly. – I didn’t understand a word. (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)
"Cabruca" - leere Kakaoschalen, nachdem die Frucht herausgenommen wurde (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – empty cocoa pods after the fruit has been removed (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)
"Cabruca" - ein Urwaldriese der Mata Atlantica (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – a giant of the Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlantica) (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)
Als ich Leone getroffen habe ist er am gleichen Tag 26 Jahre alt geworden. Er ist Bewohner des Atlantischen Regenwaldes (Mata Atlantica) und arbeitet seit 4 Jahren in der Cabruca. Mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht zeigt er mir junge und alte Kakaopflanzen. Er liebt was er tut und möchte nicht in der Großstadt leben (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2024)
When I met Leone, he had just turned 26 on the same day. He is a resident of the Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlantica) and has been working in the Cabruca for 4 years. With a smile on his face, he shows me young and old cocoa plants. He loves what he does and does not want to live in the big city. (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2024)
"Cabruca" - eine Kakaofrucht an einem Kakaobaum (Theobroma cacao) (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – a cocoa fruit on a cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)
"Cabruca" - Bromelien an einem Kakaobaum (Theobroma cacao) (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – Bromeliads on a cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)
"Cabruca" - Burro bedeutet Esel. Ein hochgeschätzter und wertvoller Mitarbeiter in der Cabruca. Burros sind stark und widerstandsfähig, was sie zu einem effizienten Transportmittel auch an abgelegensten Orten macht. Der schmale Rumpf der Esel und ihre kleinen Hufe verhelfen ihnen zu hoher Trittsicherheit auf den oftmals rutschigen und steilen Pfaden in der Cabruca. Im Vergleich zu schweren landwirtschaftlichen Maschinen verursachen Esel weniger Bodenkompaktion, was wichtig ist, um die Bodenstruktur und -qualität in der Cabruca zu erhalten (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – „Burro“ means donkey. A highly valued and valuable worker in the Cabruca. Donkeys are strong and resilient, making them efficient means of transportation even in the most remote areas. The narrow body of the donkeys and their small hooves give them high stability on the often slippery and steep paths in the Cabruca. Compared to heavy agricultural machinery, donkeys cause less soil compaction, which is important for maintaining soil structure and quality in the Cabruca (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)
"Cabruca" - der Praktikant (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – the intern (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)
"Cabruca" - Blätter an einem Kakaobaum (Theobroma cacao) (Bundesstaat Bahia, Brasilien) (AR 10/2023)
„Cabruca“ – leaves on a cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) (State of Bahia, Brazil) (AR 10/2023)

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